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H 276 x W 203 mm

144 pages

49 figures, 2 tables (colour throughout)

Published Nov 2021

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803271286

Digital: 9781803271293

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Transhumance; commons; trackways; rural society; prehistory; medieval; post-medieval; marginal land; seasonal; cooperation; sustainability

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Transhumance: Papers from the International Association of Landscape Archaeology Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018

Edited by Mark Bowden, Pete Herring

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A collection of papers, mostly arising from the Newcastle and Durham conference of the International Association of Landscape Archaeology (2018), explore the practice, impact and archaeology of British and European transhumance, the seasonal grazing of marginal lands by domesticated livestock, usually accompanied by people, often young women.



Contributors ;

Preface ;

1. Introduction: the recognition of transhumance in Britain – Mark Bowden and Pete Herring ;

2. Evidence for transhumance in British prehistory – Mark Bowden ;

3. ‘Frequently the winter grazing grounds are many miles away from the summer ones’ (Varro, de r.r. 2.2.9): a review of recent historical, anthropological and archaeological approaches to transhumance in Central and Southern Italy – Marinella Pasquinucci ;

4. The TraTTo project: paths and pastures from prehistory to modern times in Southern Tuscany: research approaches and activities – G. Pizziolo, M. De Silva, N. Volante, D. Cristoferi and A. Zagli ;

5. Response diversity and the evolution of pastoral landscapes in the western Pyrenees Transhumance – Ted L Gragson, Michael R. Coughlan, and David S. Leigh ;

6. Smart ways through the downs: cross-ridge dykes as markers of Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age transhumance routes across the South Downs, Sussex, UK – David Lea, Judie English and Dick Tapper ;

7. Extremes of British transhumance: Bronze Age and Inter-War; Dartmoor and Lewis – Pete Herring ;

8. Intangible cultural heritage of transhumance landscapes: their roles and values – examples from Norway, France and Spain – Bolette Bele, Véronique Karin Simon Nielsen, Almudena Orejas and José Antonio Ron

About the Author

Mark Bowden BA, MCIfA, FSA, worked for over 30 years for Historic England and its predecessor bodies as a landscape archaeology surveyor and investigator, before retiring in 2020. Among his many research interests are common lands and he has undertaken much survey work in England’s uplands. He was founding Chair of the Landscape Survey Group 2014-2021 and is now an independent researcher. ;

Pete Herring MPhil, MCIfA, FSA, has spent over 40 years studying all aspects of the historic landscape of Cornwall and Britain, chiefly for Cornwall Archaeological Unit and Historic England. He has often turned to consideration of the commons and those who seasonally inhabited and used them, but has also enjoyed placing them in relation to the histories of the more permanently settled farmland and urban areas.