H 290 x W 205 mm
150 pages
90 illustrations (colour throughout)
Published Jun 2021
Paperback: 9781789698466
Digital: 9781789698473
Rock Art; Reuses; Contemporary Art; Identity; Heritage; Past and Present
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Edited by Andrzej Rozwadowski, Jamie Hampson
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This book presents a fresh perspective on rock art by considering how ancient images function in the present. It focuses on how ancient heritage is recognized and reified in the modern world, and how rock art stimulates contemporary processes of cultural identity-making.
A Brief Note about the Editors ;
Using Rock Art to Reconnect Past and Present: An Introduction – Andrzej Rozwadowski and Jamie Hampson ;
Indigenous Art in New Contexts: Inspiration or Appropriation? – Jamie Hampson and Rory Weaver ;
The Cave of Altamira and Modern Artistic Creation – Pilar Fatás Monforte ;
Joane Cardinal–Schubert: Ancient Contemporary – Alisdair MacRae ;
Face to Face with Ancestors: Indigenous Codes in the Contemporary Art of Siberia – Andrzej Rozwadowski and Magdalena Boniec ;
Contemporary Views on Rock Art from Within the Frame: Indigenous Cultural Continuity and Artistic Engagement with Rock Art – Marisa Giorgi and Dale Harding ;
PalimpsGestures: Rock Art and the Recreation of Body Expression – Lina do Carmo ;
In the Name of the Ancestors: Repainted Identities and Land Memories – Laura Teresa Tenti ;
Muraycoko Wuyta’a Be Surabudodot / Ibararakat: Rock Art and Territorialization in Contemporary Indigenous Amazonia – the Case of the Munduruku People from the Tapajos River – Jairo Saw Munduruku, Eliano Kirixi Munduruku and Raoni Valle ;
Appropriation, Re-Appropriation, Reclamation: The Re-Use of New Zealand’s Most Renowned Māori Rock Art – Gerard O’Regan [Open Access: Download];
Reproduction, Simulation and the Hyperreal: A Case Study of ‘Lascaux III’ 2015–2017 – Robert J. Wallis
'This is a fascinating book that breathes new life into a subject dominated so long by traditional exegetic interpretations of prehistoric rock art which have achieved little collective consensus, although it is fair to say they have advanced our understanding. It is illustrated with beautiful and vibrant images throughout, and its anthropological/ethnoarchaeological approach is highly commended.'—Mark Merrony (2021): ANTIQVVS, Volume 3, Issue 4
'The editors are to be congratulated on promoting a relatively new concept in rock art research, namely bridging the philosophical gap between ancient and modern art forms, using anthropology and ethnography to legitimise the past and the way it interacts with the present. The publishers, Archaeopress, should also receive praise for producing such a handsome and colourful publication that truly reflects the beauty and rhetoric of modern (rock) art-making.' – George Nash (2022): Current World Archaeology #111