H 290 x W 205 mm
508 pages
Published Oct 2016
Paperback: 9781789696752
Digital: 9781803274430
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Journal of Greek Archaeology 1
Edited by John Bintliff
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An international peer-reviewed English-language journal specializing in synthetic articles and in long reviews, published annually each Autumn. The scope of the journal is Greek archaeology both in the Aegean and throughout the wider Greek-inhabited world, from earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era.
Editorial: Volume 1 (John Bintliff) ;
Prehistory and Proto-History ;
The Palaeolithic settlement of Lefkas Archaeological evidence in a palaeogeographic context (Nena Galanidou, Giorgos Iliopoulos and Christina Papoulia) ;
The Argos Plain through its ages and my ages (John Bintliff) ;
‘Manly hearted’ Mycenaeans (?): challenging preconceptions of warrior ideology in Mycenae’s Grave Circle B (Kristin E. Leith) ;
Cypriot ritual and cult from the Bronze to the Iron Age: a longue-durée approach (Giorgos Papantoniou) ;
Archaic to Classical ;
‘Greek colonisation’ and Mediterranean networks: patterns of mobility and interaction at Pithekoussai (Lieve Donnellan) ;
Euboean towers and Aegean powers: insights into the Karystia’s role in the ancient world (Chelsea A. M. Gardner and Rebecca M. Seifried) ;
On identifying the deceased in two-figured and multi-figured scenes of classical Attic funerary reliefs (Katia Margariti) ;
The nature of early Greek coinage – the case of Sicily (Keith Rutter) ;
Encounters with death: was there dark tourism in Classical Greece? (Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver) ;
Hellenistic ;
Brick makers, builders and commissioners as agents in the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks: choosing social models to fit archaeological data (Per Östborn and Henrik Gerding) ;
Different communities, different choices. Human agency and the formation of tableware distribution patterns in Hellenistic Asia Minor (Mark van der Enden) ;
Medieval ;
The current state of the research and future perspectives for the methodology and the interpretation of Byzantine pottery of the 11th and 12th centuries AD (Anastasia G. Yangaki) ;
The medieval towers in the landscape of Euboea: landmarks of feudalism (Chrystalla Loizou) ;
Post-Medieval to Modern ;
A boom-bust cycle in Ottoman Greece and the ceramic legacy of two Boeotian villages (Athanasios K. Vionis) ;
Methodology issues of forensic excavations at coastal sites (Maria Ktori, Noly Moyssi, Deniz Kahraman and Evren Korkmaz) ;