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H 290 x W 205 mm

428 pages

271 figures, 60 tables

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789693898

Digital: 9781789693904

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Jordan; Vernacular Architecture; Nabatean; Hajj; Byzantine; Islam

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Khirbat Faris: Rural Settlement, Continuity and Change in Southern Jordan. The Nabatean to Modern Periods (1st century BC – 20th century AD)

Volume 1: Stratigraphy, Finds and Architecture

By Alison McQuitty, Holly Parton, Andrew Petersen

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This volume is the first of three which chart the temporal and spatial occupational fluctuations at the site of Khirbat Faris in Southern Jordan and the stories of the communities that lived there. The excavation report follows the site and its environs throughout their many phases of use and occupation, from the 13th century BC to the present day.



Preface and Acknowledgements ;

Part I: Introduction ;
Chapter 1: Introduction – Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 2: Excavation Methodology – Alison McQuitty ;

Part II: Excavations and Stratigraphy ;
Chapter 3: The Western Edge (Far I) – Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 4: The Central Area (Far II, the Khan (Far IV) and House 2) – Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 5: The Highest Point (Far V) – Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 6: House 1 – Alison McQuitty ;

PART III: Finds ;
Chapter 7: Bone, Glass and Miscellaneous Finds – Holly Parton with contributions by Mouna Khoury and Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 8: Metal Objects – Holly Parton with contribution by Jeremy Johns ;
Chapter 9: Stone Objects – Holly Parton with contributions by Douglas Baird and Dominique Collon ;

Part IV: Conclusions ;
Chapter 10: Building Materials, Architecture and Settlement Morphology – Alison McQuitty ;
Chapter 11: Reflections on the Archaeology of Khirbat Faris and Rural Jordan – Andrew Petersen ;
Concluding Remarks – Alison McQuitty ;
Bibliography ;

Appendices ;
Appendix 1: Context, Sub-Group and Phase Concordance ;
Appendix 2: Sub-Group Descriptions ;
Appendix 3: Group Descriptions ;
Appendix 4: Sub-Group Matrices ;
Appendix 5: Ceramic Survey of Site ;
Appendix 6: The Small Finds Catalogue ;
Appendix 7: The Small Finds Tables ;

About the Author

Alison McQuitty is an archaeologist who has worked on projects in England, Jordan and Syria with a particular interest in the post-mediaeval period, ethnoarchaeology and vernacular architecture. Alison became the first Director of the Council for British Research in the Levant. Alison is co-director of the Khirbat Faris Project. ;

Holly Parton is an archaeologist specialising in finds processing and storage management. She has worked on projects in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the Levant, Libya, Central Asia and Qatar, covering a wide range of periods from prehistoric through to the 19th century AD. She is particularly interested in mills, of all kinds, and is a longstanding member of The International Molinological Society (TIMS). ;

Andrew Petersen is Director of Research in Islamic Archaeology at the University of Wales Lampeter. He has carried out fieldwork in many parts of the Islamic world including Iraq, Oman, Jordan, Palestine, UAE and Qatar. For the last two years, he has been working on the archaeology of coastal settlement in northern Qatar in collaboration with the Qatar Museums Authority.