H 290 x W 205 mm
256 pages
93 figures; 5 tables; 2 maps (colour throughout)
Published Mar 2020
Paperback: 9781789692549
Digital: 9781789692556
UISPP; Fortifications; Forts; Chalcolithic; Bronze Age; Iron Age; FortMetalAges
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Edited by Davide Delfino, Fernando Coimbra, Gonçalo P. C. Cruz, Daniela Cardoso
This book presents 19 papers from the International Colloquium ‘FortMetalAges’ (Portugal, 2017); they discuss different interpretive ideas for defensive structures whose construction had necessitated large investment, present new case studies, and conduct comparative analysis between different regions and periods (Chalcolithic to Iron Age).
Late Prehistoric Fortifications in Europe: Defensive, symbolic and territorial aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age – Davide Delfino, Fernando Coimbra, Gonçalo Cruz and Daniela Cardoso ;
My home is my castle? Thoughts about the archaeological axiom of the distinction of fortified and unfortified sites, referring to ethnographical records – Andy Reymann ;
A new overview of the later prehistoric hillforts of Britain and Ireland – Gary Lock and Ian Ralston ;
The chronology of the defensive systems at Los Millares (Santa Fe de Mondújar, Almería, Spain) – Fernando Molina González, José Andrés Afonso Marrero, Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano, Alberto Dorado Alejos, Rafael María Martínez Sánchez and Liliana Spanedda ;
Fortified and Monumentalised Landscapes of the Beira-Douro region between the 3rd and 1st millennia BC: Architecture, Scenarios and Symbology – Alexandre Canha ;
Terraced-walled settlements in Bronze Age Liguria (north-western Italy): can we speak of Iron Age ‘castellari’? – Davide Delfino and Angiolo Del Lucchese ;
From earth to wood: the ramparts of Ratinhos (Moura, Portugal) as an example in the transition between the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age – Luis Berrocal-Rangel, António Carlos S. Silva, Rosario García Giménez and Lucía Ruano ;
Another post in the fence. Proto-urban delimitations in Final Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Northern Italy – Paolo Rondini and Lorenzo Zamboni ;
The appropriation of settlement space in Western and Central Europe during the Iron Age – Caroline von Nicolai ;
Some symbolic and chronological aspects of rock art of the Hillfort Culture, northwest Iberian Peninsula – Fernando Coimbra ;
Fortifications of the Early Iron Age in the surroundings of the Princely Seat of Heuneburg – Leif Hansen, Dirk Krausse and Roberto Tarpini ;
The fortifications of the Heuneburg lower town: A summary and evaluation of the 2000-2008 excavations – Manuel Fernández-Götz ;
Compartment ramparts in the castros of northwest Iberia – Jorge Camino Mayor and Esperanza Martín Hernández ;
The Iron Age hillforts of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country): settlement patterns, fortification systems and territory control – Sonia San Jose, Antxoka Martínez, Xabier Peñalver, Carlos Olaetxea, Javier Prieto Domínguez and Juncal Calvo ;
Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff: Towards a narrative for the hillforts of south-east Wales – Oliver Davis and Niall Sharples ;
The oppidum of Manching: Examining the construction and defensive capability of a Late Iron Age fortification – Thimo Brestel ;
The fortifications of Colle Le Case: a new study of Samnite enclosures in Molise (Italy) – Francesca Di Palma ;
Walls and Castros. Delimitation structures in the proto-historic settlements of Entre Douro and Vouga region (central-north Portugal) – António Manuel S. P. Silva and Gabriel R. Pereira ;
Reviewing a pre-Roman oppidum in northern Portugal. Summary of the archaeological works carried out at Citânia de Briteiros (Guimarães) – Gonçalo Cruz and José Antunes