H 245 x W 175 mm
204 pages
98 illustrations (51 plates in colour)
Published Jul 2018
Paperback: 9781784918699
Digital: 9781784918705
Engraved gems; Greek and Roman gems; intaglios; animal representations; animal symbolism; personal seal; fertility; rebirth; resurrection; good luck; abundance; victory; apotropaic; amulets; divine protection; cure of diseases; political propaganda; colour of the gem
By Idit Sagiv
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A comprehensive study of the depictions of animals and their significance on Greek and Roman gems. The work examines the associations between animal depictions and the type of gemstone and its believed qualities. The study also compares the representation of animals on gems to other, larger media, and analyses the differences.
Introduction; Engraved gems: a survey: 1. The Uses of Engraved Gems, 2. The materials used for ancient gems, 3. The themes depicted on gems, 4. References to gemstones in ancient literary sources, 5. Dating methods, 6. Carving technique, 7. Artists and workshops; Animal images and their meaning: Mammals, Cattle, Deer, Goats, Horses, Boars and sows, Predatory animals, Panthers, Lions, Birds, Birds of Prey, and Fowl, Eagles, Parrots, Roosters, Geese, Swans, Insects, Ants, Marine creatures, Dolphins, Seashells, Hybrids, Sphinx, Pegasus, Capricorn, Hippocamp, Gryllos (Hippalectryon); Interactions between animal depictions in various media and their depictions on gems; Associations between animal depictions and the type of gemstone and its believed qualities; Summary; Bibliography