H 297 x W 210 mm
194 pages
Illustrated throughout in black and white
Published Feb 2015
Paperback: 9781784910884
Digital: 9781784910891
By Mark Golitko
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This volume explores linkages between conflict and socioeconomic organization during the early Neolithic of eastern Belgium (c. 5200-5000 BC), using compositional analysis of ceramics from Linienbandkeramik villages to assess production organization and map intercommunity connections against the backdrop of increasing evidence for conflict.
Chapter 1: Introduction ;
Anthropological and Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare ;
Explaining the Occurrence and Frequency of Warfare ;
Archaeological Correlates of Warfare ;
The Linienbandkeramik in Belgium Research Significance ;
Project Methodology ;
Overview ;
Chapter 2: Warfare and Economy in Stateless Society ;
Warfare and Exchange ;
Warfare and Exchange in Prehistory ;
Linking Warfare and Exchange in the Archaeological Record ;
Chapter 3: The Linienbandkeramik ;
The Central European Late Mesolithic ;
The Linienbandkeramik ;
LBK Settlements and Settlement Patterns ;
Linienbandkeramik Economic Structure ;
Mechanisms of LBK Expansion ;
Linienbandkeramik Sociopolitics ;
Conflict ;
Conflict and Socioeconomic Structure in the Linienbandkeramik ;
Chapter 4: Linienbandkeramik Settlement in the Hesbaye Region of Belgium ;
Hesbayen Geography and Geology ;
The Late Mesolithic in Belgium ;
Linienbandkeramik Settlement of the Hesbaye ;
Chronology of Settlement ;
Fortified Settlements and the Chronology of Conflict in the Hesbaye ;
The Hesbayen Bandkeramik Economy ;
Conflict, Economy, and Social Structure in the Hesbayen early Neolithic ;
Research Questions ;
Chapter 5: Method and Sample ;
Chemical Proveniencing of Archaeological Ceramics ;
LA-ICP-MS Protocol ;
Petrography ;
Statistical Methods and Chemical Reference Groups ;
Sample ;
Chapter 6: Results of Compositional Analysis ;
Results of Ceramic Analyses ;
Petrographic Analyses ;
Provenience Interpretation of Ceramic Chemical Groups ;
Ceramic Compositional Variability and Inference of Community Ties ;
Chapter 7: Conflict and Social Structure in the Hesbayen Bandkeramik ;
Changing Patterns of Ceramic Production and Acquisition ;
Changes in Lithic Production and Distribution ;
Discussion ;
Chapter 8: Conclusion—Conflict and Economy in the Hesbayen Linienbandkeramik and Beyond ;
Summary of Findings ;
Future Research Directions ;
LBK Conflict in Broader Context ;
References ;
'...this volume constitutes an important reference point for future research into the economic and social organisation of LBK societies, not only in the Belgian Hesbaye but across the wider LBK territory and beyond. It is hoped that this publication will encourage other researchers to apply chemical analyses for sourcing raw materials - this is clearly the way forward for the study of exchange networks in past societies.' - Philippe Crombe (2016): Antiquity