book cover

H 225 x W 185 mm

245 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Mar 2017

Potingair Press


Paperback: 9780956824035

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Sugar production; Dead Sea; Jordan; archaeology; Mediterranean; sugar-making

Sweet Waste: Medieval sugar production in the Mediterranean viewed from the 2002 excavations at Tawahin es-Sukkar, Safi, Jordan

By Richard E. Jones


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This book reports on the excavation of a medieval sugar refinery, Tawahin es-Sukkar near Safi, situated south of the Dead Sea in Jordan. There it was possible to explore many of the steps in the sugar-making process.


About the Author

Richard Jones has wide-ranging experience in archaeological science in the Mediterranean and especially in Greece and Italy The production and distribution of pottery is one of his main interests. Until recently he was Senior Lecturer in archaeological science at the University of Glasgow.