Keyword: marriage

‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ – Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt

Joanne-Marie Robinson

This volume presents, for the first time, evidence for non-royal consanguineous marriage in ancient Egypt. The evidence was collated from select sources from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period, and it has been used to investigate the potential economic and biological outcomes, particularly beyond the level of sibling and half-sibling unions. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Anthropomorphic Images in Rock Art Paintings and Rock Carvings

ed. Terence Meaden et al.

In rock art, humanlike images appear widely throughout the ages. The artworks discussed in this book range from paintings, engravings or scratchings on cave walls and rock shelters, images pecked into rocky surfaces or upon standing stones, and major sacred sites, in which exists the possibility of recovering the meanings intended by the artists. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00