Keyword: cuneiform

City of Culture 2600 BC: Early Mesopotamian History and Archaeology at Abu Salabikh

John Nicholas Postgate

This book presents the city beneath the surface of Abu Salabikh, southern Iraq. The archaeology and the textual data combine to reveal its architecture, agricultural and industrial enterprises, and social structure. Integrated with our wider knowledge of south Mesopotamia at this time it creates a vivid image of city life in 2600 BC. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

The Assyrian Rock Relief at Yaǧmur (Evrihan) in the Tur Abdin

Bülent Genç et al.

This study publishes a newly discovered rock relief in the Mazıdağı Plain, at the western end of the Tur Abdin in southeastern Turkey. The preserved remains include an image of an Assyrian king, divine symbols and traces of three panels of cuneiform inscription. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £9.99

Taymāʾ II: Catalogue of the Inscriptions Discovered in the Saudi-German Excavations at Taymāʾ 2004–2015

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald et al.

The Catalogue contains all inscriptions discovered during 24 seasons of Saudi-German excavations at Taymāʾ, 2004–15. The 113 objects carry inscriptions in different languages and scripts, including Babylonian cuneiform, Imperial Aramaic inscriptions, Arabic inscriptions and more, illustrating the linguistic diversity of the oasis through time. READ MORE

Hardback: £65.00 | Open Access