Carlos Bruquetas-Galán
This book explores the history and archaeological heritage of the southwest coast of the Isla Gaditana – the territory where the Temple of Hercules and the Idol of Cádiz are said to have stood for more than twelve centuries: Torregorda, Camposoto and Sancti Petri. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access
William A Boismier et al.
This volume is a report of archaeological excavations at Stanground South undertaken by MOLA between September 2007 and November 2009 on behalf of Persimmon Homes (East Midlands) Ltd and in accordance with a programme of works overseen by CgMs Heritage. The work involved five areas of set-piece excavation and a series of strip map and record areas. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00