Verònica Martínez Ferreras


La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.)

ed. Verònica Martínez Ferreras

This volume presents a series of studies of the wine from Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis traded in amphorae, with the aim of demonstrating (as has recently been done for the amphora production) the existence of different trade dynamics, according to individual cases, territories and periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C.– I d.C.)

Verònica Martínez Ferreras

This volume presents the results of a multidisciplinary archaeological and archaeometric study of the wine amphorae produced in Hispania Citerior (Tarraconensis, in Augustus’ reorganisation) between the first century BC and the first century AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00