Valeriu Sîrbu is a senior archaeologist of the second Iron Age with more than forty years of experience. His main contributions are in the archaeology of ritual, magic, human and animal sacrifices, and sacred places and fortifications in Pre-Roman Dacia.
ed. Valeriu Sîrbu
Documaci Tumulus, a spectacular early Hellenistic funerary monument recently excavated on the western Black Sea coast, was built at the threshold of the 4th to 3rd centuries BC in the cemetery of the Greek City of Callatis. Excavations offer a glimpse into a complex and interconnected world of Hellenistic architects and artists. READ MORE
Paperback: £52.00 | Open Access
ed. Valeriu Sîrbu
Proceedings of the UISPP World Congress
Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) 9
Proceedings of two sessions from the XVII UISPP World Congress, 2014: A3c The Emergence of warrior societies and its economic, social and environmental consequences and A16a Aegean – Mediterranean imports and influences in the graves from continental Europe – Bronze and Iron Ages. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access