Ugo Fusco

UGO FUSCO has a BA in Classics and a MA in Classical Archaeology from Sapienza University of Rome, as well as a PhD in Classical Archaeology from the University of Pisa. He has excavated in Italy (Volterra, Rome, Veii and Grumento) and abroad (in London), investigating urban and rural sites. He has worked on various themes including: Roman architecture, prosopography, Latin epigraphy, topography of the suburbs of Rome, Roman archaic history and cults relating to water and mystery. He recently expanded his interests to include Greek architecture, considering the subject of double temples in Greece.


Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World

ed. Ugo Fusco

This volume brings together papers dealing with therapeutic aspects connected to thermo-mineral sites both in Italy and in the Roman Provinces, as well as cultic issues surrounding health and healing. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00