Tatjana Lolić

Head of Sector for Conservation Departments and In, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia

Tatjana Lolić is Head of Sector in the Croatian Ministry of Culture. She studied Archaeology and History of Art and received her doctoral degree in Archaeology from the University of Zagreb; She undertook specialist study in Architectural Conservation at ICCROM, Rome, Italy, and has the title of docent at the University of Zagreb where she has been guest lecturer for ten years. She is experienced in the coordination and supervision of archaeological excavations and conservation projects in Croatia and has published extensively on Roman Siscia.


Urbanism of Roman Siscia

Tatjana Lolić

By processing data from every archaeological excavation, and analysis and interpretation of all available historical and modern documents, this volume presents a thorough overview of the structure of Roman Siscia (modern day Sisak, Croatia) and provides a comprehensive starting point for all future work on the Roman city. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00