Tallay Ornan

Professor emerita of Ancient Near Eastern Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tallay Ornan is Professor emerita in the Departments of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations and of Art History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She specializes in the art of the ancient Near East, focusing on the Bronze and Iron Ages, c. 3000‒500 BCE. Her publications combine studies dealing with Mesopotamian, Syrian, and Levantine art to shed light on the transfer of ideas within the Near Eastern Bronze and Iron Ages and processes of cultural borrowing and reception.


Picturing Royal Charisma: Kings and Rulers in the Near East from 3000 BCE to 1700 CE

ed. Tallay Ornan

This book assesses how Middle Eastern leaders manipulated visuals to advance their rule from around 4500 BC to the 19th century AD. In nine fascinating narratives, it showcases the dynamics of long-lasting Middle Eastern traditions, dealing with the visualization of those who stood at the head of the social order. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access