Sophie A. de Beaune

Professor (Prehistory and Protohistory), University of Lyon

Sophie Archambault de Beaune is Professor at the University of Lyon and researcher at the ‘Archaeology and Ancient Sciences’ laboratory in Nanterre. She works on the technical behaviour and cognitive skills of prehistoric man and is also interested in the history of prehistory. In particular, she has published Pour une archéologie du geste and L’homme et l’outil (CNRS Éditions, 2000 and 2015), Qu’est-ce que la Préhistoire ? (Gallimard, 2016), and, with Antoine Balzeau, Notre Préhistoire: La grande aventure de la famille humaine (Belin, 2016) and co-directed Cognitive Archaeology and Human Evolution (Cambridge, CUP, 2009). She directs the collection ‘Le passé recomposé’ which she created at CNRS Éditions.


New Advances in the History of Archaeology

ed. Sophie A. de Beaune

This volume presents papers from three sessions organised by the History of Archaeology Scientific Commission at the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018) considering the development of stratigraphical methods in archaeology in many European countries, and interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access