Sabina Antonini heads the Italian Archaeological Mission to Yemen c/o Monumenta Orientalia (Rome). Since 1984 she has taken part in archaeological surveys and excavations of prehistoric sites in Khawlān al-Ṭiyāl and Ramlat al-Sabʿatayn and of South Arabian sites, including Yalā, Tamnaʿ, Ḥayd ibn ʿAqīl, and Barāqish. She is a specialist in South Arabian archaeology and history of art. Her contribution, ‘The Italian Archaeological Mission at Šibām al-Ġirās, Yemen’, has appeared in Festschrift in honour of Professor Mikhail Piotrovsky (2019).
ed. Sabina Antonini
This richly illustrated volume presents the remarkable results of the Italian Archaeological Mission's investigations at the site of the walled town of Barāqish in interior Yemen, ancient Yathill of the Sabaeans and Minaeans, between 1986 and 2007. READ MORE
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