Renato Sebastiani

Archaeologist, Ministry of Culture in Rome

Renato Sebasitani, an official of the Soprintendenza speciale archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio di Roma (SSABAP Rome), has an extensive scientific and heritage management career to his credit. Throughout his career he has held numerous management positions in various excavation and research projects in the city of Rome and the Lazio region, among which the Porto Fluviale sul Lungotevere Testaccio, the discovery of Nero's theater should be highlighted, and currently his role as scientific manager of the Museo delle Navi di Fiumicino.


Portus, investigaciones geoarqueológicas en el muelle este-oeste

ed. Renato Sebastiani

This volume collects the scientific results of the geoarchaeological project on the east-west pier of Portus (Rome). Since 2017, various excavation and study campaigns have focused their efforts on the pier via an inter- and multidisciplinary methodology involving archaeologists, geologists, palaeobotanists and palaeontologists. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

Da Roma a Gades/De Roma a Gades

ed. Renato Sebastiani

This volume, dedicated to the illustrious archaeologist Simon Keay. collects the scientific results of an international workshop held in Rome (2019), which discussed the management, elimination and reuse of artisanal and commercial waste in maritime and river ports, focussing on the Roman cities of Rome and Gades (modern day Cádiz). READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99