Philippe Pergola

Full Professor and Dean, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (Rome)

Philippe Pergola is Full Professor and Dean at the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (Rome) and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nice. His main research interests deal with the Early Christian topography of cities and rural areas in the Mediterranean. He has directed more than 150 archaeological missions in the Mediterranean and in the Horn of Africa and has authored hundreds of publications on these topics.


Sit tibi terra gravis: Sepolture anomale tra età medievale e moderna

ed. Philippe Pergola

Papers in this volume explore the phenomenon of anomalous burials on a European scale, with an interdisciplinary reading between archaeology, history, physical and cultural anthropology. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Perchement et Réalités Fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe, Vème-Xème Siècles

ed. Philippe Pergola

The result of an international congress (Roquebrune-sur-Argens, October 2019) about the fortified hilltop settlements of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, papers present both brand new data and syntheses on wide contexts throughout the European continent, the Mediterranean basin and beyond. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00