Pavlos Karvonis

PAVLOS KARVONIS studied archaeology in Athens from 1994 to 1998. In 2000, he finished his Masters degree at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and in 2004 he defended a thesis entitled “Lieux et locaux de vente dans la Grèce égéenne du IVe au Ier siècle av. J.-C.” at the same University. In 2006, he worked for the Archaeological Society at Athens, and since 2007 he has been working for the Academy of Athens in the Tabula Imperii Romani program. He has published two volumes on the Aegean islands and Attica, and has published several articles on commercial architecture. He is also preparing the publications of two commercial buildings located on the western shore of the island and participates in a research programme on stone and its use on Delos.


Oikèma ou pièce polyvalente: recherches sur une installation commerciale de l’Antiquité grecque

Pavlos Karvonis

This volume discusses the evolution of oikema—the most common type of commercial facility in ancient Greece—through a study that covers a large area including Continental Greece, the Aegean islands, the Ionian islands and the west coast of Asia Minor. READ MORE

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