Nick Stoodley was awarded his PhD from the University of Reading and is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Winchester. His research interests concern the archaeology of early Anglo-Saxon England, with a particular interest in the region of Wessex. He has published monographs on Anglo-Saxon cemeteries and contributed papers on aspects of the period’s mortuary ritual to edited volumes. He is the lead archaeologist for the community-based Meon Valley Archaeology and Heritage Group, which is currently investigating settlement patterns in this Hampshire valley.
Nick Stoodley
This volume presents a study of the central and lower Medway valley during the 1st millennium AD, focussing on the 1962–1976 excavation of the Eccles Roman villa and Anglo-Saxon cemetery directed by Alex Detsicas. The author gives an account of the long history of the villa, and a reassessment of the architectural evidence which Detsicas presented. READ MORE
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