María del Cristo González Marrero

Professor of Medieval History, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ORCID 0000-0003-4280-8414

María del Cristo González Marrero, PhD in Medieval History and Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is a specialist in the study of the materiality of late medieval Hispanic society. She has combined this line of research with studies related to insular and North African archaeology. Recently she has been the principal investigator of the project entitled Patrimonio agrario y agronomía práctica. Técnicas agrícolas e historia rural en la Gran Canaria indígena y colonial (s.s. X-XVI), funded by the CajaCanarias Foundation and La Caixa Foundation, part of whose results are presented in this book.


Instalaciones y paisajes azucareros atlánticos (siglos XV-XVII)

ed. María del Cristo González Marrero

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, sugar cultivation and processing, a Mediterranean industry throughout the Middle Ages, experienced what we can aptly describe as the first period of its prosperous Atlantic history. This book explores the material dimension of sugar mills and the landscapes of which they are both cause and effect. READ MORE

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