Lynda Mulvin

Lynda Mulvin has a BA, an MLitt and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin and an MArchSc from the University of Louvain. She is Professor of Art History at UCD and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (2018). Her special interests are Classical Antiquity & Reception Studies; Late Antique to Medieval; and Architectural Conservation. Her monograph on Irish architect James Cavanah Murphy (1760-1814) is forthcoming (Brill 2022).


The Life and Works of Robert Wood

Lynda Mulvin

The Life and Works of Robert Wood (1717-1771) commemorates the Irish classicist and traveller on the 250th anniversary of his death and provides the general reader with a source book for the fascinating life and career of a much-neglected figure in the realm of Irish eighteenth-century travels and antiquarianism. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00