Luc Laporte is Research Director at CNRS (France). He is a specialist of the Neolithic period in Europe, and on the subject of megaliths in general, and is the author of more than 140 scientific articles in international journals. He has written a book on the megaliths of western France and edited several reference collective works on the megaliths of Western Europe and Africa megaliths, for the Neolithic and Protohistoric periods. His field works focused mostly on the study of reference sites such as the tumulus C of Péré in Prissé-la-Charrière (France) and the World Heritage megalithic site of Wanar (Senegal), but also in East Africa (Djibouti) and South America (Argentina, Peru). He has been teaching at the Universities of Rennes for more than twenty years, and his expertise is regularly sought by various national or international institutions (UNESCO, National Geographic, CNRA, ANR, Fondation de France, etc.).
ed. Luc Laporte
This collective work reports on the studies and archaeological work carried out at the megalithic ruined necropolis of Wanar, Senegal, between 2008 and 2017 (classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006). The study is an important milestone in the advancement of our knowledge of protohistoric societies and megalith builders in West Africa. READ MORE
Paperback: £180.00 | Open Access
ed. Luc Laporte
Bringing together the latest research on megalithic monuments throughout the world, 150 researchers offer 72 articles, providing a region-by region account in their specialist areas, and a summary of the current state of knowledge. Highlighting salient themes, the book is vital to anyone interested in the phenomenon of megalithic monumentality. READ MORE
Paperback: £170.00 | Open Access
ed. Luc Laporte
Proceedings, with full text in English and French, from session XXXII-3 of the XVIII UISPP World Congress, Paris, 2018: Pre and protohistoric stone architectures: comparisons of the social and technical contexts associated to their building. The volume aims to break the usual limits on the fields of study and to deconstruct some preconceived ideas. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access