Llewelyn Morgan

Professor of Classical Languages and Literature, Brasenose College, Oxford

Llewelyn Morgan is Professor of Classical Languages and Literature at Oxford University, specifically interested in Roman poetry and its analysis. Afghanistan and the late-colonial milieu of which Deane was a part forms a second area of interest, and he is the author of The Buddhas of Bamiyan (2012, Harvard University Press).


The View from Malakand: Harold Deane’s ‘Note on Udyana and Gandhara’

Llewelyn Morgan

This volume presents a seminal and pioneering account of the antiquities of Swat and Peshawar (Pakistan) by Harold Deane, discovered in the fort at Malakand, Swat; it presents and transcribes the manuscript and provides extended notes identifying and describing the places that Deane discusses in his article. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access