Javier Gómez Marín

University of Murcia

ORCID 0000-0002-8871-1725

Javier Gómez Marín is a graduate in History from the University of Murcia and Master in Medieval Archeology from the University of York. Throughout his professional career, he has worked as an archaeologist in numerous sites belonging to various historical periods both in Spain and abroad (UK, Italy, Palestine, Albania, Bulgaria), working as a freelancer, for private companies and for institutions. such as the University College London headquarters in Qatar. He is currently a researcher at the University of Murcia, linked to the “vivere in urbe” project directed by the professor of Archeology at the University of Murcia, Dr. José Miguel Noguera Celdrán.


Magia y brujería en el Mundo Antiguo

ed. Javier Gómez Marín

11 papers analyse magic and witchcraft in their different aspects and forms in the ancient world from an international and multidisciplinary perspective. Case studies come from Egypt, the Greek and Roman world and from Late Antiquity, and even cover the reception of ancient magic in the modern world. READ MORE

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