Harry Welsh

Queens University Belfast

Harry Welsh is an archaeologist and historian. After retiring from the fire service in 2003, he worked as a field archaeologist within the commercial sector and at the Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork, Queens University Belfast. By 2006 he had achieved his Doctorate and a Master’s degree in archaeology. He has directed archaeological excavations and written numerous books and articles. He was Vice President of the Ulster Archaeological Society from 2009 to 2015 and Honorary Fieldwork Co-ordinator from 2004 until 2020.


The Prehistoric Artefacts of Northern Ireland

Harry Welsh

The last in a trilogy of monographs designed to provide a baseline survey of the prehistoric sites of Northern Ireland, this monograph considers the prehistoric artefacts that have been found in Northern Ireland. It aims to provide a basis for further research, and also to stimulate local interest in the prehistory of Northern Ireland. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

Sites of Prehistoric Life in Northern Ireland

Harry Welsh

This monograph brings together information on all the currently known sites in Northern Ireland that are in some way associated with prehistoric life. Compiled from a number of sources, it includes many that have only recently been discovered. A total of 1580 monuments are recorded in the inventory, ranging from burnt mounds to hillforts. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Prehistoric Burial Sites of Northern Ireland

Harry Welsh

Much has been written about the history of Northern Ireland, but less well-known is its wealth of prehistoric sites, particularly burial sites, from which most of our knowledge of the early inhabitants of this country has been obtained. READ MORE

Paperback: £63.00 | eBook: £16.00