Hadrien Bru

Hadrien Bru is a French historian and epigrapher working on Hellenistic and Roman Anatolia and Near East, Maître de Conférences HDR in Ancient History at the University of Bourgogne-Franche Comté (Besançon). His notable publications include: L’Asie Mineure dans l’Antiquité : échanges, populations et territoires (2009), Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syriennes. Représentations et célébrations d’Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.) (2011), L’Anatolie des peuples, cités et cultures (IIe millénaire av. J.- C.-Ve siècle ap. J.-C.) (2013) and La Phrygie Parorée et la Pisidie septentrionale aux époques hellénistique et romaine. Géographie historique et sociologie culturelle (2017).


Colonial Geopolitics and Local Cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (3rd century BC – 3rd century AD)

ed. Hadrien Bru

What changes in the material culture can we observe, when a state is overwhelming a local population with soldiers, katoikoi, and civil officials or merchants? What were the mutual influences between native and colonial cultures? This collection addresses these questions and many more, focusing on the Hellenistic and Roman East. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00