Francesco Tiboni

Francesco Tiboni graduated with a degree in Prehistory from the University of Milan and a PhD in Naval Archaeology from the Centre Camille Jullian - Université Aix-Marseille in France. He has directed dozens of underwater archaeological research projects in Italy and abroad, including the recovery of three wrecks, two of which date to the Roman era. He has published books and articles on the themes of nautical archaeology, underwater archaeology and naval archaeology and history.


The Hippos of Troy

Francesco Tiboni

This book addresses perhaps the most famous episode in Classical mythology: the Wooden Horse of Troy. Through analysis of words, images and wrecks, the author proposes a new interpretation of what Homer actually intended when he spoke of the 'hippos' used by the Greeks to conquer Troy: a particular ship type, used to pay tribute to Levantine kings. READ MORE

eBook: £16.00