Drew Shotliff

Drew Shotliff MCIfA is Operations Manager at Albion Archaeology. He holds a BA in Modern History from Oxford University and an MA Archaeological Practice from Birmingham University. He was project manager for the excavations at Stratton. As well as considerable experience of British archaeology, he has worked on projects in France, Ecuador and Sri Lanka.


Stratton, Biggleswade: 1,300 Years of Village Life in Eastern Bedfordshire from the 5th Century AD

Drew Shotliff

Presents the results of 12 hectares of archaeological excavation undertaken between 1990-2001. As well as uncovering roughly half of the medieval village, the investigations revealed that Stratton’s origins stretched back to the early Anglo-Saxon period, with the settlement remaining in continuous use through to c. 1700. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access