Dominik Berrens
Dominik Berrens studied Classical Philology and Biology at the University of Freiburg. From 2013-2017 he was part of the Research Training Group “Early Concepts of Man and Nature” at the University of Mainz, where he received his doctorate with a dissertation on social insects in antiquity in 2016. Since October 2017 he has been a postdoctoral researcher working on the project “NOSCEMUS – Nova Scientia: Early Modern Science and Latin” funded by the European Research Council at the University of Innsbruck. His research interests lie in pre-modern scientific texts and ancient drama. | Dominik Berrens hat an der Universität Freiburg Klassische Philologie und Biologie studiert. Er wurde im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs „Frühe Konzepte von Mensch und Natur“ 2016 an der Universität Mainz mit einer Arbeit zu sozialen Insekten in der Antike promoviert. Derzeit arbeitet er als Postdoc im Projekt „Noscemus – Nova Scientia: Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin“ an der Universität Innsbruck.
Naturvorstellungen im Altertum
ed. Dominik Berrens
This volume looks at the concepts of nature in texts as well as in archaeological remains of the Ancient Near Eastern and Greek cultures from the Archaic to the Hellenistic period. Contributions from the fields of archaeology and philology are juxtaposed for each time period in chronological order. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00