Daniele Brunelli

DANIELE BRUNELLI’s research focuses on petrography, geochemistry and tectonics of oceanic ridges. He obtained his PhD at the University of Bologna (2002). Since 2007 he has been teaching at the University of Modena, is associated researcher at CNR-ISMAR, invited professor at the University of Brest and at the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris. He supports the development of petrographic and geochemical approach of the archaeo-team by bringing expertise of the geological exploration of the volcanic terrains and the availability of cutting edge analytical approaches.


Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 2

Daniele Brunelli

‘Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 2. Italy: Southern Tyrrhenian. Neolithic – Bronze Age’, the second in a series of atlases organized according to geographical areas, chronology and types of wares, presents and interprets the petrographic composition of pre and protohistoric pottery (6th-1st mill. BCE) found in the southwestern part of Italy. READ MORE

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