Catalina Martínez Padilla

Professor of Prehistory, University of Almería (UAL)

ORCID 0000-0001-7292-5326

Catalina Martínez Padilla holds a PhD in History from the University of Granada (1979) and has been Professor at the University of Almería. She has carried out numerous archaeological excavations and directed the surveys carried out in the Alto Almanzora between 1994 and 2002. She made a research stay at the University of Cambridge in 1989. Her research focuses on the Bronze Age and processes during prehistoric times. 


Prehistoria y Antigüedad en el Alto Valle del Río Almanzora (Almería, España)

Catalina Martínez Padilla

This book presents the study of a natural region, the Alto Almanzora, in the north of the province of Almería (Spain), in which 6 campaigns of systematic archaeological prospection were carried out. The study considers the societies that occupied the territory for more than 4000 years until the end of the Roman occupation. READ MORE

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