Alessandro Peinetti

University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Alessandro Peinetti, geoarchaeologist, PhD (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, UMR 5140 « Archéologie des Sociétés méditerranéennes », Università di Bologna) is an independent researcher. His researches focus on the formation processes of the archaeological record, on the built environment, on earthen architecture and on the organisation of settlements and activity areas documented by the analysis of soils and archeological sediments through micromorphology. He is especially involved in research into Neolithic and Bronze Age villages in Italy and Southern France.


Use of Space and Domestic Areas: Functional Organisation and Social Strategies

ed. Alessandro Peinetti

The organization of inhabited space is the direct expression of the deep integration of societies with their cultural and natural environment. Contributions in this volume show the progress of research in terms of understanding the use of space on different scales, from the household to the village, focusing on Neolithic and Bronze Age contexts. READ MORE

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