David Kennedy

Senior Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia

ORCID 0000-0002-7230-0542

David Kennedy, BA (Manc), D.Phil. (Oxon), FSA, FAHA, is Emeritus Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia. His principal research focuses on the Roman Near East where he has conducted fieldwork since 1976 ranging from Turkey to Saudi Arabia. He is founder of the Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East (APAAME) (1978) and director of the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan (AAJ) (1997-2017) and Aerial Archaeology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia projects (AAKSA) (2018-2020). He has authored/edited, alone or jointly, twelve books and several dozen articles/chapters. He has held research fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton and Princeton University and been a Visiting Fellow at Brasenose College.


Well Met! Friends and Travelling Companions of Rev. Thomas Bowles

David Kennedy

This volume follows Rev. Thomas Bowles on his travels from Sri Lanka to Egypt and the Levant. His travel journals record the places seen and the often harsh travel conditions. Bowles' notes are amplified by chapters offering additional context and biographies for the broad cross-section of fascinating people encountered along the way.


Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00