Francisca Alves Cardoso

Senior Research Fellow, Center for Research in Anthropology (Portugal)

ORCID 0000-0001-8386-2009

Francisca Alves Cardoso holds a PhD from Durham University. She is a Senior Researcher at CRIA—Center for Research in Anthropology and an Invited Lecturer at NOVA University of Lisbon—School of Social Sciences and Humanities (Portugal). Her primary research interests focus on past social and cultural health and wealth inequalities and ethical issues related to access to and study of human remains.


Coming of Age: Ethics and Biological Anthropology in the 21st Century

ed. Francisca Alves Cardoso

A collection of papers from AnthroEthics 2021 consider ethical issues related to biological anthropology. It combines views from people working in various countries and continents, allowing for a worldview on ethical discussions within biological anthropology. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Identified skeletal collections: the testing ground of anthropology?

ed. Francisca Alves Cardoso

Human skeletons are widely studied in archaeological, anthropological and forensic settings to learn about the deceased. This book focusses on identified skeletal collections and discusses how and why collections were amassed and shows the vital role they play in improving methods and interpretations for archaeological and forensic research. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00