ed. Paul Bahn et al.
Like previous series entries, this volume covers rock art research and management all over the world over a 5-year period, in this case 2015-19. Contributions once again show the wide variety of approaches that have been taken in different parts of the world and reflect the expansion and diversification of perspectives and research questions. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Brigitte Faugère et al.
How does the study of rock art make it possible to culturally characterize its authors? What does it tell us about the function of sites? How and under what circumstances does it make it possible to delimit a cultural territory? The six articles in this volume provide case studies from Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, French Guiana and Chile. READ MORE
Paperback: £28.00 | Open Access
David Mendel Witelson
This book explores a suite of spatially close San (Bushmen) rock painting sites in the Maclear District of South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. As a suite, the sites are remarkable because, despite their proximity to each other, they share patterns of similarity and simultaneous difference. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00