Patricia A. Marx

Patricia A. Marx received a BA and an MA in the History of Art from The American University, and a PhD in the History of Art and Classical Archaeology from the University of Maryland. She attended The American School of Classical Studies at Athens as a Regular Member on the James Rignall Wheeler Fellowship 1982-83, and as a adjunct professor for 20 years. Her studies are devoted to images of Athena from the Archaic and Classical periods. She is currently affiliated with the Archeological Institute of America, and is a Reader at The Center for Hellenic Studies and Dumbarton Oaks, branches of Harvard University in Washington DC.


Acropolis 625: The Endoios Athena

Patricia A. Marx

An interdisciplinary in-depth study of an important Archaic statue of Athena, carved in c. 525 BC. The author’s detailed examination reveals that, unlike earlier seated statues, it is an active figure – a fully armed image of Athena Polias as defender of the city-state. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00