Olivia A. Jones
Olivia A. Jones obtained a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and History at West Virginia University and a Masters in Aegean Archaeology at University College London. She has worked in academic and contract archaeology projects in the United States and Greece. She is currently completing her doctoral research at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Her research interests include applying a bioarchaeological approach to Mycenaean mortuary practices.
The Mycenaean Cemetery at Agios Vasileios, Chalandritsa, in Achaea
Olivia A. Jones
The Mycenaean chamber-tomb cemetery at Agios Vasileios in Achaea, was first investigated in the late 1920s, followed by small-scale research in 1961. In the years 1989–2001 further rescue excavations revealed 30 chamber tombs, some looted. Based mostly on the latest research, this study is the first major presentation of the cemetery and its finds. READ MORE
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