Francesca Diosono

Adjunct professor of Classical Archaeology, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich

ORCID 0000-0003-0948-3021

Francesca Diosono is Researcher at the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (DE). Her fields of interest include Roman archaeology, landscape archaeology and Roman material culture. She has worked since the 2000s on a range of projects in Italy, Spain, France and Jordan. She is the scientific editor or co-editor of several books, most recently Villa San Silvestro di Cascia. Archeologia e storia di un abitato nella Sabina montana dalla conquista romana al Medioevo (2022).


Living with Seismic Phenomena in the Mediterranean and Beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages

ed. Francesca Diosono

The first two sections of this book explore different ways of understanding seismic phenomena and present strategies for post-disaster management. Later sections present palaeoseimological and archaeological data (for the most part previously unpublished) on various sites in the Italian peninsula and the wider Mediterranean world and its frontiers. READ MORE

Paperback: £64.00 | Open Access