Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson

Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson has excavated and surveyed extensively across the Middle East and in the Caucasus. She holds a PhD in Near Eastern Archaeology from the University of California at Berkeley, and is a trained architect. She has led research projects at the University of Edinburgh and at Durham University, and was most recently an honorary Visiting Professor at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.


Pottery from the University of California, Berkeley Excavations in the Area of the Maški Gate (MG22), Nineveh, 1989-1990

Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson

Nineveh, Iraq, is one of the longest occupied cities in the world, dating at least back to the mid-7th millennium BC. UC Berkeley excavations uncovered a district of large dwellings and wide streets near the Maški Gate (MG22), providing a stratigraphic history of Late Assyrian ceramics at the centre of the empire through to the 7th century BC. READ MORE

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