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Category: Craft working (general titles, bone, glass, textiles, etc.)

Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester

Martin Biddle

Over 6000 objects were recovered during the Winchester excavations (1961-1971), offering insight not only into the industries and arts, but the economic, cultural, and social life of medieval Winchester. This volume covers all the objects from the finest products of the Anglo-Saxon goldsmith’s skill to the iron tenter-hooks of the cloth industry. READ MORE

Hardback: £195.00

Double-Sided Antler and Bone Combs in Late Roman Britain

Nina Crummy et al.

This is the first detailed study and catalogue of a comb type that represents a new technology introduced into Britain towards the end of the 4th century AD and a major signifier of the late fourth- to fifth-century transition. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

La industria ósea en la Hispania romana

F. Germán Rodríguez-Martín

This book considers the work of the bone industry in a specific province of the Roman Empire. Through this work we obtain a global and general vision of this industry in a wide territory, Hispania. It shows the peculiarities found in each territory, as well as the local and regional influences and connections, and with the rest of the Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

Blue/Green Glass Bottles from Roman Britain

H.E.M. Cool

Square bottles came into use in the AD 60s and rapidly became the commonest glass vessel form in the empire. For the next two centuries their fragments dominate all glass assemblages. This book presents a classification scheme for the moulded base patterns which allows their chronological development to be reconstructed. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

De l’objet à la société romaine

ed. Touatia Amraoui et al.

This volume brings together some twenty contributions reflecting many of the research themes of Prof. Jean-Claude Béal, to whom these studies are offered. They are mainly centred on Roman Gaul, and more generally on the western Roman provinces, reflecting the geographical areas in which he works. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeology

Tim van Tongeren

This book is the result of a large-scale yet detailed study of early medieval grave furnishings from the Netherlands, aiming at the creation of a comprehensive artefact typology and updated relative chronology for this under-explored period in the Low Countries. READ MORE

Hardback: £100.00 | eBook: £16.00

Argiles : De la physique du matériau à l’expérimentation

ed. Xavier Faivre

This volume brings together the proceedings of four study days of the ‘Clay’ Collective Program (2018-2020) on the theme of ‘studying materiality’. The study of this polymorphic material has focused on four complementary areas: physical properties, construction, artefacts and texts relating to clay. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Contact, Circulation, Exchange

ed. Éva David et al.

10 articles focus on worked hard materials of animal origin (shell, tusk, bone, antler) ranging chronologically from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages. The authors have varied academic backgrounds that enhance the archaeological analyses carried out, often at first hand, on numerous collections from the Old and New Worlds. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’: Glass from Nubia and the Ancient Mediterranean

Juliet V. Spedding

Using modern scientific methods, this book examines glass beads and vessel fragments dating from the Meroitic and Early Nobadia periods, providing a new assessment of glass from Nubia. Results reveal interrelationships between trade, technological understanding, and manufacturing choices across the cultures of Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Usage of Ochre at the Verge of Neolithisation from the Near East to the Carpathian Basin

Julia Kościuk-Załupka

This volume explores the cultural meaning of ochre among the societies of the Late Epipalaeolithic/Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic from the Levant to the Carpathian Basin. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Sasanian Archaeology: Settlements, Environment and Material Culture

ed. St John Simpson

This collection of essays offers an examination of the Sasanian empire based almost entirely on archaeological and scientific research, much presented here for the first time. The book is divided into three parts examining Sasanian sites, settlements and landscapes; their complex agricultural resources; and their crafts and industries. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Qidfa‘ 1: Excavation of a Late Prehistoric Tomb, Fujairah Emirate, United Arab Emirates

Walid Yasin Al Tikriti

This volume presents results from the rescue excavations of the Qidfa’ 1 site, a multi-period tomb (Wadi Suq-Late Bronze /Early Iron Age). The richness of the discoveries demonstrates the wealth and significance of the culture of the 2nd millennium BC in southeast Arabia. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures: Production and Trade in the Adriatic Region and Beyond

ed. Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan et al.

32 papers consider issues of pottery production in the wider Adriatic area during Roman times, in particular relation to landscape and communication features, ceramic building materials, as well as general studies on ceramic production, pottery and glass finds. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Early Anglo-Saxon Christian Reliquaries

Anthony Gibson

This volume presents a corpus and discussion of seventy-one Anglo-Saxon copper-alloy containers from forty-nine sites across England dating to the seventh and possibly eighth centuries, and variously described as work boxes, needle cases, amulet containers or Christian reliquaries. READ MORE

Hardback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii

Heather Hopkins Pepper

The scale of processing associated with the dyeing industry in Pompeii is a controversial subject. This investigation uses a new multi-disciplinary triangulated approach, providing an understanding of the significance of the industry that is grounded in engineering and archaeological principles, but within the context of Pompeii. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia

ed. Miljana Radivojević et al.

The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the evolution of early metallurgy in the Balkans. It demonstrates that far from being a rare and elite practice, the earliest metallurgy in the world was a common and communal craft activity.


Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access

Pits and Boots: Excavation of Medieval and Post-medieval Backlands under the Bon Accord Centre, Aberdeen

Michael Roy

Excavations in 2007-8, ahead of an extension to the Bon Accord Centre in Aberdeen, uncovered backlands that would have formed part of the industrial quarter of the medieval town. The excavation charts the changing nature of the area, from an industrial zone in the medieval period, to horticultural and domestic spaces in post-medieval times. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

The First Thousand Years of Glass-Making in the Ancient Near East

Wendy Reade

This volume explores glass composition and production from the mid-second to mid-first millennia BC, the first thousand years of glass-making. Multi-element analyses of 132 glasses from Pella in Jordan, and Nuzi and Nimrud in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia) produce new and important data that provide insights into the earliest glass production. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Turkish Long-Necked Lute Saz or Bağlama

Hans de Zeeuw

The saz or bağlama, a generic name for long-necked lutes in Turkey, plays an important role in Turkish musical culture. This volume focusses on the instrument's cultural-historical background while briefly discussing various saz or bağlama types and their construction, tuning, and playing techniques. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

Le verre de Sabra al-Mansuriya - Kairouan, Tunisie - milieu Xe-milieu XIe siècle

Danièle Foy et al.

Knowledge of Islamic glass and its craftsmanship in the medieval period has relied heavily on Middle Eastern literature. The study of workshop and rich glass assemblage from Sabra al-Mansuriya (Kairouan), the Fatimid capital founded in 947/948 and destroyed in 1057, shows that Ifriqiya followed the technological evolutions of glass craftsmanship. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

The Genesis of the Textile Industry from Adorned Nudity to Ritual Regalia: The Changing Role of Fibre Crafts and Their Evolving Techniques of Manufacture in the Ancient Near East from the Natufian to the Ghassulian

Janet Levy

This volume documents and evaluates the changing role of fibre crafts and their evolving techniques of manufacture and also their ever-increasing wider application in the lives of the inhabitants of the earliest villages of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | eBook: £16.00

Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling

ed. Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood et al.

In this book, based on the proceedings of a two-day workshop on experimental archaeology at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens in 2017, scholars, artists and craftspeople explore how people in the past made things, used and discarded them, from prehistory to the Middle Ages. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen

ed. Guirec Querré et al.

Callaïs refers to the green stones from which the remarkable ornaments discovered in several Neolithic sites in Western Europe are made. This volume brings together the contributions of the best European specialists in callaïs, variscite and turquoise, who spoke at a symposium on this ancient gemstone held in April 2015 in Carnac. READ MORE

Hardback: £130.00 | Open Access

Glass, Wax and Metal: Lighting Technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval Times

ed. Ioannis Motsianos et al.

This volume provides an extensive look at the technological development of lighting and lighting devices during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Western Europe and Byzantium. 29 papers are gathered from two International Lychnological Association (ILA) Round Tables held in Olten, Switzerland (2007) and Thessaloniki, Greece (2011). READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Glass and Glass Production in the Near East during the Iron Age

Katharina Schmidt

This book examines the history of glass in Iron Age Mesopotamia and neighbouring regions (1000–539 BCE). This is the first monograph to cover this region and period comprehensively and in detail and thus fills a significant gap in glass research. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access

Bronze Age Metalwork: Techniques and traditions in the Nordic Bronze Age 1500-1100 BC

Heide W. Nørgaard

Bronze ornaments of the Nordic Bronze Age were elaborate objects that served as status symbols to communicate social hierarchy. An interdisciplinary investigation of the artefacts (dating from 1500-1100 BC) was adopted to elucidate their manufacture and origin, resulting in new insights into metal craft in northern Europe during the Bronze Age. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Open Access

Technologie du harponnage sur la côte Pacifique du désert d’Atacama (nord du Chili)

Benjamín Ballester Riesco

Throughout the volume the reader will follow a representation of a marine hunter-gatherer society, a projection deriving from one of its iconic and most important material assets, the harpoon. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

The Affect of Crafting

Uzma Z. Rizvi

The Affect of Crafting' presents an interrogation of materiality and crafting, a consideration of the situatedness of the technological practice of crafting itself, and the forms of relationships that exist between all things transformed in the act of crafting: bodies, minerals and landscapes. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Verres incolores de L’antiquité romaine en Gaule et aux marges de la Gaule

Danièle Foy et al.

Colourless glass became prominent between the middle of the 1st century AD and the beginning of the 4th century. This book reflects the diversity of glass and is designed as a practical manual divided into three parts: Assemblages, Typological Catalogue, Chemical Analyses. READ MORE

Paperback: £130.00 | eBook: £16.00

Considering Creativity: Creativity, Knowledge and Practice in Bronze Age Europe

ed. Joanna Sofaer

The papers in this volume view Bronze Age objects through the lens of creativity in order to offer fresh insights into the interaction between people and the world, as well as the individual and cultural processes that lie behind creative expression. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

Glassware and Glassworking in Thessaloniki

Anastassios Ch. Antonaras

A detailed examination of the production of glass and glass vessels in the eastern Mediterranean from the Hellenistic Age to the Early Christian period, analysing production techniques and decoration. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

New Perspectives on the Bronze Age

ed. Sophie Bergerbrant et al.

This collection of articles helps to explain why the Bronze Age has come to hold such a fascination within modern archaeological research. By providing new theoretical and analytical perspectives on the evidence new interpretative avenues have opened, it situates the history of the Bronze Age in both a local and a global setting. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships

Sara A. Rich

It is commonly recognized that the Cedars of Lebanon were prized in the ancient world, but how can the complex archaeological role of the Cedrus genus be articulated in terms that go beyond its interactions with humans alone? READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

Dress and Identity in Iron Age Britain

Elizabeth Marie Foulds

Through an analysis of glass beads from four key study regions in Britain, the book aims to explore the role that this object played within the networks and relationships that constructed Iron Age society. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ceramiche vicinorientali della Collezione Popolani

Stefano Anastasio et al.

This volume illustrates the Popolani Collection at the Archaeological Museum of Florence, consisting of ancient pottery vessels, terracotta oil-lamps, glazed Islamic tiles, Romano-Byzantine glassware, as well as various objects from the Damascene antique market. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Small Finds and Vessel Glass from Insula VI.1 Pompeii: Excavations 1995-2006

H.E.M. Cool

This report presents the vessel glass and small finds found during the excavations between 1995 and 2006 that took place in Insula VI.1, Pompeii (henceforth VI.1). More than 5,000 items are discussed, and the size of the assemblage has meant that the publication is in two parts. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

L’artisanat de l’os À l’époque Gallo-Romaine

Marc Barbier

Analysis of 22 Gallo-Roman bone combs. Experimental archaeology replicates a bone-worker production line. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico

ed. Eduardo Williams et al.

This book presents a collection of papers from the Symposium on Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico, held at the Center for Archaeological Research of the Colegio de Michoacán on September 18-19, 2014. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Die Anfänge des kontinentalen Transportwesens und seine Auswirkungen auf die Bolerázer und Badener Kulturen

Tünde Horváth

The earliest finds of wheeled vehicles in northern and central Europe date to 3900-3600 BC. However finds (3400-3300 BC) from the Boleraz sites of Arbon/Bleiche 3 and Bad Buchau/Torwiesen II, linked to pile-dwelling settlements, indicate methods of transport typical for higher altitudes (slides, sleds, etc.). READ MORE

Paperback: £24.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Glass Beads from Early Medieval Ireland

Mags Mannion et al.

This is the first dedicated and comprehensive study of glass beads from Early Medieval Ireland, presenting the first national classification, typology, dating, symbology and social performance of glass beads. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

I vetri del Museo archeologico di Tripoli

Sofia Cingolani

This volume is focused on the cataloguing of glass conserved in the Archaeological Museum of Tripoli. This is so far an unpublished corpus of objects identified from investigations into the necropolis and other burials in Tripoli and its suburbs. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Origins and Use of the Potter’s Wheel in Ancient Egypt

Sarah Doherty

Despite many years work on the technology of pottery production it is perhaps surprising that the origins of the potter's wheel in Egypt have yet to be determined. This volume seeks to rectify this situation by determining when the potter's wheel was introduced into Egypt. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00