Collection: Archaeology and Classical Humanities

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Recent trends in the disciplines of both archaeology and classics indicate that, while there are many ways to approach antiquity, perhaps the most enlightening accounts utilize various complementary methodological approaches. The Archaeology and Classical Humanities Series is a new interdisciplinary list aimed specifically at promoting such advanced scholarship of antiquity that integrates a wide range of perspectives in reinterpreting the past. The underlying criteria for books included in the list is that they either use archaeological evidence to shed a new light on topics in classical humanities, or, use classical literature to help illuminate the study of material culture. Archaeologists, classicists, and all other students of antiquity will find a home in this list that has been created with the specific intention of fostering a spirit of mutual collaboration and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to the topics of antiquity that we all love.


Series Editor:

Nicholas Molinari, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Salve Regina University


Editorial Advisory Board:

Edward Dandrow, Assistant Professor of History, University of Central Florida

David MacDonald, Emeritus Professor of History, Illinois State University

Rosanagh Mack, Department of Classics, University of Reading

Anthony F. Mangieri, Associate Professor and Chair of Art and Art History, Salve Regina University

Sean O’Callaghan, Associate Professor of Religious and Theological Studies, Salve Regina University

Rabun Taylor, Floyd A. Cailloux Centennial Professor of Classics, University of Texas at Austin

Acheloios, Thales, and the Origin of Philosophy

Nicholas J. Molinari

Through careful analysis of the archaeological record, close reading of ancient sources, and deep investigations into the languages of our past, this study demonstrates the importance of the influence of the cult of Acheloios on Thales, fundamentally changing our understanding of the origin of the philosophical experience in 6th century Ionia. READ MORE

Hardback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00