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H 290 x W 205 mm

134 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jul 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789696677

Digital: 9781789696684

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Proceedings of the UISPP World Congress

Stone in Metal Ages

Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 6, Session XXXIV-6

Edited by Francesca Manclossi, Florine Marchand, Linda Boutoille, Sylvie Cousseran-Néré

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Papers from Session XXXIV-6 of the XVIII UISPP World Congress 2018 were divided into two parts, the first dealing with lithic technology, use-wear analyses and the relation between the decline of stone and the development of metallurgy while the second focused on stone tools used for metallurgy. This publication combines these two parts.



Foreword – by Francesca Manclossi, Florine Marchand, Linda Boutoille and Sylvie Cousseran-Néré ;
Millstones and other macrolithics, the ‘eternal forgotten’ in Chalcolithic sites: Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Hanares, Madrid, Spain) – by Irene Ortiz Nieto-Márquez, Patricia Ríos Mendoza, Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck and Carlos Arteaga ;
Production et consommation de l’industrie lithique taillée durant l’âge du Bronze en Grèce continentale – by Marie-Philippine Montagné et Lolita Rousseau ;
Bronze Age flint denticulates: A Bulgarian case study – by Maria Gurova ;
Tell Arqa, Bronze Age macro-blade debitage with a lever: archaeological and experimental approaches – by Florine Marchand, Jérémie Vosges and Frédéric Abbès ;
Going to the source: New perspectives in the study of the Canaanean blade technology from Iraqi Kurdistan – by Cecilia Conati Barbaro and Daniele Moscone ;
Les industries lithiques de la Ville I de Mari (Tell Hariri, Syrie, 2900-2650 av. J.-C.) : chaînes opératoires et premières perspectives techno-culturelles – by Raphaël Angevin ;
The decline and disappearance of chipped-stone tools: a case-study from the Southern Levant – by Francesca Manclossi ;
L’outillage lithique de l’atelier de bronzier du site du Bronze final de Montélimar la rue du Bouquet (Drôme, France) : un témoin de l’activité métallurgique ? – by Cousseran-Néré, Linda Boutoille and Eric Néré ;
Technologie des matériaux lithiques : l’outillage lithique utilisé en métallurgie de transformation – by Maxence Pieters

About the Author

Francesca Manclossi is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and she is affiliated at the Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem. ;

Florine Marchand is part of an experimental archaeology team investigating the pressure techniques with the collaboration of Archéorient of Jalès (Casteljau-et-Berrias, France). ;

Linda Boutoille held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship and subsequently a Royal Irish Academy Research Grant, based at Queen’s University Belfast. ;

Sylvie Cousseran-Néré is an archaeologist of the French National Archaeological Research Institute (Inrap).