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H 290 x W 205 mm

350 pages

Colour illustrations throughout

Published Dec 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789694468

Digital: 9781789694475

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Roman archaeology; Libya; North Africa; Cyrenaica; Excavations

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Reports, Excavations and Studies of the Archaeological Unit of the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara 1

Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Libya: Reports 2006-2008

By Oliva Menozzi

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This volume is dedicated to the Archaeological Mission in Cyrenaica, starting with the reports and researches of the seasons from 2006 to 2008. The emphasis of the publication is to present archaeological data to form part of an archive of finds, sites and monuments: a resource and reference point for archaeologists from Libya and elsewhere.



Introduction: The Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Cyrenaica ;

Section I: The archaeological mission of Chieti university in cyrenaica: Projects, aims, issues and methodologies - Oliva Menozzi ;
Chapter 1: The Pavilion of the Sculptures ;
Chapter 2: Survey ;

Section II: Interim Reports: 2006-2008 - Oliva Menozzi ;

GIS, survey and excavations preliminary report season 2006 ;
Chapter 3: Ain Hofra: Excavation of Tomb C ;
Chapter 4: Ain Hofra: Excavation of Tomb C: season 2006 ;
Chapter 5: Survey of the altar-niches and Excavation of Ammon’s Shrine ;
Chapter 6: Season 2006: Survey and Gis of Ain Hofra ;

GIS, survey and excavations preliminary report season 2007 ;
Introduction: Season 2007 ;
Chapter 8: The excavation of the Cave W1 (Said’s Cave) ;
Chapter 9: Ammon Area: Study of The Inscriptions And Excavation of The Southern Niches ;

GIS, survey and excavations preliminary report season 2008 ;
Introduction: Season 2008 ;
Chapter 10: Ain Hofra excavations and restorations ;
Chapter 11: Lamluda as sample area for intensive investigation ;
Chapter 12: Archaeometric studies: Description of the main fabric on the basis of a preliminary direct and microscopic analysis of the pottery ;

Section III: Appendices ;

Survey and mapping of the necropoleis ;
La Necropoli nord: il campione di Wadi Bu Truchia - Maria Giorgia Di Antonio ;
The Western Necropolis of Cyrene (Libya) - Eugenio Di Valerio ;
The Eastern Necropolis: survey and remote sensing - Clara Tamburrino ;
Eugenio Di Valerio La Tomba C di Ain Hofra: struttura e planimetria - Ain Hofra ;
Preliminary conservation and restorations of Tomb C (Ain Hofra) - Eugenio Di Valerio, Stefano Faccini ;
Un coperchio istoriato infantile dalla tomba C - Debora Lagatta ;
Anthropological and pathological analyses of some human skeletal remains from Cyrene (Libya) - Ruggero D’Anastasio, Marinella Urso, Gabriella Vitullo, Luigi Capasso ;
Indagini archeologiche nella Grotta Said ad Ain Hofra (Cirene). Anni 2001-2003 - Vincenzo d’Ercole, Alberta Martellone ;
Indagini archeozoologiche e paletnologiche nella grotto W1 ad Ain Hofra - Marinella Urso, Gabriella Vitullo ;

Surveys, works and projects in the territory ;
Geological & Geoarchaeological Survey - Silvano Agostini, Mariangela Schiazza ;
Survey of the territory. GIS of the Fortifications (Gsur) in Cyrenaica: typologies and examples - Domenico Fossataro, Oliva Menozzi ;
Investigation of Late Antiquity and Medieval Period at Lamluda (El-Gubba, Cirenaica) - Sonia Antonelli, Maria Carla Somma ;
Preliminary results of the archaeometric analyses - Silvano Agostini ;
Coastal and archaeological sites of Libya: Apollonia protection project - Enzo Catani, Fabio Pallotta, Diego Paltrinieri, Emanuela Stortoni ;

Epigraphy and coins ;
Inscriptions lapidaires des nécropoles de Cyrène, nouvelles ou retrouvées - Catherine Dobias Lalou ;
The inscription of Qaşr Khuraybah - Stefano Struffolino ;
A new inscription on a pottery fragment from Lamluda. Epigraphic and palaeographic analysis - Angela Cinalli ;
Interim report of the Coin Catalogue from Cyrene and the chora - Maria Cristina Mancini ;


About the Author

Oliva Menozzi began her studies at Chieti University and completed her doctorate at Oxford in 2001. She has been Researcher and Lecturer in Classical Archaeology and Archaeology of Greek Colonization at the University G.d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) since 2002 and is now Associate Professor. She has been Director of the CAAM-Centre of the Athenaeum for Archaeometry and Microanalysis since 2015 and of the Master STARch (Sciences and Technologies for Archaeology at risk) since 2019.