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H 297 x W 210 mm

430 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (65 pages in colour)

Published Sep 2019

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789692969

Digital: 9781789692976

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Roman economy; ancient maritime trade; monetisation; ancient ceramic repertories; Roman republican and early imperial ceramics; ancient market and State economies

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The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean

Between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire

Edited by Enrique García Vargas, Rui Roberto de Almeida, Horacio González Cesteros, Antonio Sáez Romero

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Based on the proceedings of a workshop held at Seville University in 2015, this book looks at several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period, sharing a generally ovoid shape in their bodies – a group of material which, until now, has rarely been studied.



Introduction – by Enrique García Vargas, Horacio González Cesteros, Rui Roberto de Almeida, Antonio Sáez Romero

PART I: Ovoid amphorae production in the Mediterranean
The ovoid amphorae from Aigion, in the north-west Peloponnese. The connections with Corinth and the Brindisi area – by Konstantinos Filis
Produzioni di anfore ovoidi di area brindisina – by Daniele Manacorda
Late Republican and Early Imperial ovoid amphorae: the African production – by Alessia Contino and Claudio Capelli
Ovoid amphorae as the first Roman provincial repertoire in Hispania Ulterior (the Guadalquivir valley) – by Enrique García Vargas, Horacio González Cesteros and Rui Roberto de Almeida
Ovoid amphorae production in the Bay of Cadiz and the southern coast of the Ulterior/Baetica (Late Republican and Early Imperial periods) – by Enrique García Vargas and Antonio M. Sáez Romero
Ánforas ovoides del noreste de la Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis en época tardorepublicana. Ensayo de síntesis – by Jordi Miró Canals y Ramón Járrega Domínguez
The ‘early production’ of Roman amphorae in Lusitania. State of play of a universe (still) under construction – by Rui Roberto de Almeida and Carlos Fabião
De la producción de ánforas Ovoide 1 gaditanas: aportaciones del alfar de Verinsur – by Darío Bernal-Casasola, José J. Díaz Rodríguez, María Luisa Lavado-Florido y Rosario García-Giménez

PART II: Ovoid amphorae throughout the Mediterranean – Case studies, commercial routes, consumption contexts and contents
Ovoid Amphoras found in Hellenistic Southern Levant contexts: their chronology and need for proveniences – by Gerald Finkielsztejn
Northern Peloponnesian amphorae with convex-concave rims from the Styra A shipwreck – by Lucie S. Vidličková
Ovoid African and Hispanic amphorae in Italy. Some examples from Ostia and Pompeii – by Alessia Contino, Lucilla D’Alessandro, Guillermo Pascual Berlanga and Albert Ribera i Lacomba
The Italic ovoid amphorae in the Toulouse area at the end of the Iron Age (Midi-Pyrénées, France) – by Laurence Benquet
The diffusion of south-Hispanic ovoid amphorae in Gaul, between the Late Republican and Early Empire times – by Kevin Quillon and Max Luaces
Distribution of ovoid amphorae in north-west Europe. Consumption contexts and main trade routes – by Horacio González Cesteros
Amphorae of the Brindisi area in Gallia Belgica: The example of Titelberg (Luxembourg) – by Debora C. Tretola Martinez
Ovoid amphorae in Hispania Citerior/Tarraconensis: consumption contexts and main trade areas – by Daniel Mateo Corredor and Jaime Molina Vidal
La importación de ánforas ovoides en la Tarraco republicana – by Moisés Díaz García
Are you Local? Imported and locally produced amphorae in Alto Alentejo (Portugal) during the 1st century BC: three case studies at Soeiros, Rocha da Mina and Caladinho – by Rui Mataloto, Joey Williams and Conceição Roque
Preliminary organic residue analysis of Ovoid 1 and Ovoid 5 amphorae from the Guadalquivir valley – by Darío Bernal-Casasola, Alessandra Pecci and Antonio M. Sáez Romero

Ovoid amphorae in the Mediterranean (2nd century BC- early 1st century AD). State of the play and future research perspectives – by Enrique García Vargas, Horacio González Cesteros, Rui Roberto de Almeida, Antonio Sáez Romero

About the Author

Enrique García Vargas (PhD History, University of Seville) is Lecturer at the University of Seville. Currently, he co-leads the Tomares Treasure Project, on a huge coin hoard buried near Seville during the first decades of the 4th century AD.

Rui Roberto de Almeida holds a Master’s degree in Archaeology and is currently developing his PhD research and thesis on maritime food trade from the Guadalquivir valley to Lusitania during the Roman era (I century BC - VI AD)’.

Horacio González Cesteros (PhD Archaeology, University of Tarragona and the Catalan Archaeological Institute) is a member of the research staff of the Austrian Archaeological Institute.

Antonio Sáez Romero (PhD Archaeology, University of Cadiz) is Assistant Professor at the University of Seville (Spain) and has been part or directed several research projects in Gibraltar, Portugal, Morocco, Italy and Greece.