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H 297 x W 210 mm

292 pages

Illustrated throughout in black & white (68 colour plates)

Spanish text

Published May 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784918118

Digital: 9781784918125

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Iberian peninsula; Baetica; ceramic facies; ceramic contexts; pottery; trade; production; economy; consumption centres; Roman; Mediterranean

Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 11

Estudios para la configuración de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Península Ibérica

Edited by P. Ruiz Montes, Ma. V. Peinado Espinosa, Ma. I. Fernández García

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An exploration of the economy and trade in the South of the Iberian Peninsula during the High Roman Empire, focussing on the study of ceramic contexts in several market places and consumption centres located in the region.



Introducción - Pablo Ruiz Montes, Mª Victoria Peinado Espinosa y Mª Isabel Fernández García; La facies cerámica de Olisipo (Lisboa) en el periodo julio-claudio: una primera aproximación a partir de contextos; suburbanos seleccionados - Rodrigo Banha da Silva; Contextos alto-imperiales de Chãos Salgados, Santiago do Cacém-Mirobriga(?) (Lusitania) - José Carlos Quaresma; Contextos alto-imperiales de Ammaia, São Salvador de Aramenha (Lusitania) - José Carlos Quaresma; Las cerámicas finas de Arucci (Aroche, Huelva) - Salvador Delgado Aguilar y Juan M. Campos Carrasco; Las cerámicas finas de Onoba Aestuaria (Huelva) - Salvador Delgado Aguilar y Juan M. Campos Carrasco; Contextos cerámicos de Hispalis c. 50 a.C. al 225 d.C. Excavaciones arqueológicas en el Patio de Banderas del Real Alcázar de Sevilla (2012-2014) - Jacobo Vázquez Paz, Enrique García Vargas, Cinta Maestre Borge y Elise Arnold; Un avance al estudio de la Terra Sigillata Hispánica en Colonia Patricia Corduba - Sonia Vargas Cantos; Un contexto cerámico de época de Claudio del santuario iberorromano de Torreparedones, colonia Ituci Virtus Iulia (Baena, Córdoba) - José Antonio Morena López y Manuel Rubio Valverde; Producciones cerámicas de Isturgi en la antigua Sisapo (La Bienvenida, Almodóvar del Campo-Ciudad Real).; Aportaciones a la conformación de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en la vertiente norte de Sierra Morena - Mar Zarzalejos Prieto, Carmen Fernández Ochoa, Germán Esteban Borrajo y Patricia Hevia Gómez; La vajilla fina romana en las facies cerámicas imperiales del área del Teatro romano de Málaga: una aproximación a su studio - Humberto Manuel, Gómez Ramos, Pilar Corrales Aguilar y José Manuel Compaña Prieto; Materiales de un contexto de época julio-claudia procedente de Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén). En los confines orientales de la provincia Baeticae - Mª Victoria Peinado Espinosa y Pablo Ruiz Montes; La cerámica romana en el territorio de Aurgi-Jaén - José Luís Serrano Peña; Cerámicas en la tierra, La terra sigillata hispánica en la estratigrafía de Cástulo - Marcelo Castro López, Concepción Choclan Sabina, Juan Pérez Garrido y Abel Manuel Jiménez Cruz; Un ejemplo de contextualización cerámica altoimperial: la evidencia del Área II de la colonia romana de Libisosa Foroagustana (Lezuza, Albacete) - Antonio Manuel Poveda Navarro y José Luis Fuentes Sánchez

About the Author

DR PABLO RUIZ MONTES has a doctorate in History from the University of Granada and is a postdoctoral researcher linked to the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology at the University of Granada. His research focuses on the analysis of ceramic facies of Roman times in the Baetica province, and on the study of technology traditions and production processes, particularly in Red Slip wares, in the Western Roman world. Also, in past years, he has developed his research in Italy, at the University of Siena and in archaeological sites such as the Roman colony of Cosa (Ansedonia); DR Mª VICTORIA PEINADO ESPINOSA has a doctorate in History from the University of Granada. She has worked as associate researcher for both the University of Granada and the University of Perugia. Her line of research has focused on the analysis of the material culture in Roman times, especially common ware pottery. Her works have contributed to better understand these ceramics both in the South of the Iberian Peninsula and in Central Italy. Currently, she combines teaching with archaeological research, and she is involved in several projects studying the Roman Baetica; DR Mª ISABEL FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA is Professor of Archeology at the Department of Prehistory and Archeology at the University of Granada. One of her main areas of expertise and focus of her research is the analysis of the production and marketing structures in pottery workshops from Roman times, with special emphasis in the Baetica province. She is a specialist in pottery productions in Hispanic terra sigillata.